Nov 28 2014
7 Ways to Spot Fake Jimmy Choo's
We want all of our buyers to feel confident about every purchase they make inside Sabrina's Closet. This is why we always ensure that all of our products are authentic.
When you think designer copies, handbags most probably come to mind. Don't be fooled though, pretty much everything gets replicated nowadays. Counterfeit Jimmy Choo shoes, for example, are on the rise. Sure enough, we received a pair of Private Patent Leather Sandals that we rejected, obviously. So, how can you tell if the pair of Jimmy Choo heels that you are about to buy online are the real deal? Follow these 7 simple steps to be sure.
1. Zipper
If you are looking at a Jimmy Choo style with a zipper, this should be the first thing you inspect, as it is the biggest giveaway. The real Jimmy Choo zipper is gold, rectangular shaped, and has "Jimmy Choo" engraved in it. The pair of shoes we received had a regular black plastic zipper with the letters "YKK" engraved.

2. Shoe Box
An authentic Jimmy Choo shoe box is a light lilac colour. Check the size, font and placement of the "Jimmy Choo" logo. It should have the word "London" in a smaller front beneath it, as shown in the photograph. The logo is written in a silver iridescent colour. It is also written on both shorter ends of the top lid. Keep in mind that real shoe boxes can accompany fake shoes. The replica box we received with the Private Patent Sandals was stark white.

3. Box Label
Look at the difference between a real Jimmy Choo shoe box and the box we received. The real one has a white label on the one end detailing information about the shoe. Always check that these details match the details of the shoe. The box we received has a white label from a P-Touch machine with obvious differences.
4. Dust Bag
The Jimmy Choo dust bag features the "Jimmy Choo" logo with the "London" logo in a smaller front beneath it, similar to the box. It is also extremely soft and a light lilac colour similar to the box. Check the font, positioning and alignment of the words carefully and be aware that real dust covers can accompany fake shoes. The dust cover we received was fraying and was made of a lower quality material.

5. Insole Logo
Jimmy Choo insoles feature a "Jimmy Choo" logo in upper case and again, the 'London' logo in a smaller front just below it. There are also other small details you must check with the insole of the shoe:
- The double O's in Choo are round and stand up.
- The C has a subtle hook.
- The H is not crossed in the centre. Instead, it is crossed higher up in the "H".
- The stitching clean and even (as you can see in the "Fake" photograph below, the stitching is very uneven).

6. Sole Logo
The Jimmy Choo soles feature the "Jimmy Choo" logo in upper-case letters with the "London" logo in a smaller font beneath it. Below that, should be "Made in Italy", followed by the shoe size. Some shoes also have the words "Vero Cuoio" written, which means "Real Leather" in Italian. Check that the correct font is used, and that they are even spaced, level and feature a clean letter edge as shown in the photograph below.
7. Leather
You can feel quality leather. Jimmy Choo leather does not crinkle or wrinkle. The shoes we received did.
We hope this guide will help you make safer and smarter shopping decisions. Happy Black Friday!
I have a pair of JImmy Choo Boutique shoes. The inner sole has a large star, small star and small hole on the right of the logo. However, I’ve seen similar shoes on ebay with two stars instead of only one. Could they still be authentic or are they counterfeit? Thanks so much.
Thanks for this guide! So helpful.
Im still in two minds about whether these shoes are real. Does the “38” shoe size font look right to you?
Thanks for your help