Jan 24 2020
4 Ways to Spot a Fake Hermes Clic Clac H Enamel Bracelet
We specialize in selling pre-owned designer bags, shoes, clothing and accessories. We want all of our buyers to feel confident about every purchase they make inside Sabrina's Closet. This is why we always ensure that all of our products are authentic.
When you think designer copies, Hermes is one of the first brands to come to mind. There are tons out there. Some obvious, and some, well, a little trickier to catch. Sure enough, we received a beautiful white and gold Hermes Clic Clac H Enamel Bracelet a couple months ago. At first glance, it looked great. However, after completing our authentication inspection, turns out, not so great after all - it was a fake. We must admit, they did a pretty good job at it. So, how can you tell if the Hermes bracelet that you are about to buy online is the real deal? We've put together a simple step-by-step guide to be sure.
Above, we have a photo of two Hermes Clic Clac H Enamel Bracelets. One is authentic, one is a fake. Can you spot it?
An authentic Hermes Clic Clac H bracelet should have Hermes engraved in capital letters. In the photo below, the bracelet on the right is authentic, and the bracelet on the left is fake. As you can see, the Hermes engraving is much more defined and sharp on the authentic bracelet. The engraving on the counterfeit bracelet is barely legible.
2 | Shape of 'H'
Another telling sign when trying to authenticate an Hermes Clic Clac H Enamel Bracelet is the actual shape of the H. The H on the counterfeit bracelet has bolded corners and an overall thicker appearance compared to the authentic bracelet. The authentic version is overall more sleek and delicate. The bar at the center of the H is also thinner on the authentic bracelet.
3 | Weight/Overall Feel
Even though the fake Hermes bracelet looks chunkier, when holding both in your hands, it is much lighter (it is constructed from cheaper materials). The authentic bracelet feels more substantial. In the photo below, the left side is fake (it has a chunkier wrist), and the right side is authentic.
4 | Enamel
Pay attention to the enamel on the bracelet. The enamel on an authentic bracelet should be a little rounded. A fake Hermes Clic Clac H Bracelet could have flushed enamel edges.