Jan 13 2014
4 Tips to Clean Your Closet

A new year is a chance for a fresh start, and what better way to kick off your fresh start than with a clean closet? Most of us consider this a hassle or a chore. Here, we share our top 4 tips that have proven to be the most useful when it comes to organizing our closet. There’s little point in owning beautiful pieces if you can’t find them. When you’re in a rush, a well-organized closet can mean the difference between looking like a mess-and being effortlessly polished, while saving you time! Once a system is done, it is much easier and more enjoyable to keep things organized. Here are our rule(s) of thumb.
1| Create "Keep", "Tailor", "Sell" & "Donate" Piles
Have you worn it in the past 2 years?
Would you buy this piece today?
If the answer to both of these questions is no, donate it. Try to get rid of things you are doubled up on or can create the same look with. Luxury pieces in excellent condition that you know you won't use can be sold to make room for what you really need…Sabrina's Closet can help you here by consigning your goods.
2| Use Slim Felt Hangers
Your clothes won't fall off. These babies also take up half the space when compared with wooden or plastic hangers!
3| Use Storage Boxes
Store away your seasonal pieces. You can also store those pieces with sentinel value; the ones you know you can live without, but can't bring yourself to sacrifice. Once stored, if you haven't thought of taking it down in a year let it go.
4| Color Coordinate
Do this within each category of clothing. A classic tactic, but makes getting dressed so much easier.
Consider this one thing checked off your New Year’s resolution list.
Happy Cleaning!